
Friday, January 16, 2009

saving grace

Another work week behind me, and I for this I can count my blessings. I am employed and as this world spins, this is a very fortunate situation to be in. I know that if John or myself were to find ourselves unemployed (pretend that we don't own a house and have numerous other financial obligations) we would once again go chase our bliss and live out those fantasies that we both are constantly day dreaming about. Some day, one day. I know that we will find our groove one day. Until then, weekend warriors and a promise of a wonderful future. I have a wonderfully purposeful life.

Three day weekend and a forecast of SUN SUN SUN!
I am going to dust off the bike and pedal my toosh around on some trail, maybe even run, spend lots of time outside, with friends, and practicing yoga. I am officially going to tune up the commuter and........ start riding to work again! I have been toying around the idea the last couple of days as there is more daylight hours and the weather is becoming a bit more stable. I have been seeing more commuters on my commute, there is power in numbers, once the drivers get used to seeing bikes again I feel a bit safer. I have actually been a tad bit envious of those pedal pushers, it is time for me to start at least a couple days per week.

This afternoon, I head to the doctor. I am going to have a more removed on my shoulder. Years of unprotected exposure to the sun has caught up to me. Yikes, they are serious about the need to cover up from the sun, 25 and my skin is already mutating.
Love the skin you are in. Cover up!

One last thought... a positive one....
I have been adamantly trying to be ME. I feel wonderful, all things considered. After a wake up call at the end of December I decided to take the reigns back. I have cut back significantly, almost completely, on alcohol consumption, stopped drinking coffee laid off the meat, really focused on yoga and improving my practice. I feel incredible. This time of year, January and February have been trying times in years past. I don't want to have to go through that ever year. It just takes too big of a toll on myself, John, Natasha and my family who have to help me through it. So I am helping myself through it. I feel incredible! I have gotten over the hard part of cravings for those fantastic beverages, found substitutes, and practiced a bit of self control. Yoga has done wonders as well, I really believe that is as good if not better than what the teachers say. It is the healthiest thing I have ever done for myself.
Yes, to be back in control, or should I say to surrender control and just be....

Have a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, it's so good to know at least a bit of what's going on in your life these days. I'd love to get together when I come into town in August! It sounds like you're finding a lot of peace and joy right now and I hope that continues. Giving over control and practicing yoga are such valuable endeavors. I need to get my butt moving too! You are my inspiration, dear :)
