
Thursday, February 19, 2009


With our recent trip to Tennessee and the excitement surrounding the "reunion" of John's side of the family.... a very important day just kind of slid by.
Now almost a week later it is time to do it some justice. John and I have been married two years on February 13, 2009. My what a journey it has been and I know that the path ahead is filled with adventure, love, kindness, thrills, and what ever fills the gaps. Lord knows what can fill the gaps.

John proposed to me Christmas day 2005, two months later, a random date in February, we were surrounded by family and Dale, in a small beach town on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. For a week we celebrated and lived it up in a casa right on the beach. No fuss, no frills, just us. PERFECT!

I am happy to say that I have married my best friend. Everyday I grow closer to John, I am impressed and inspired by his attitude, passion, compassion, and zest for life. I know that our future is going to be a bright one. He is my soul mate.

Here we are, two years into our marriage, our first house under our belts, gainfully employed, it is the real deal. I won't lie, the transition from free spirits, living in a van while traveling, climbing at the drop of a hat to the 50 hour week jobs, responsibility life hasn't been the smoothest. I can stand up tall and proud and say that I wouldn't have wanted to take this journey with anyone else.

Here is to two years and many more to come!

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1 comment:

  1. I see you've redone your blog's look, Mrs. Stiles :) Very nice!

    So fun to see pics from your wedding, too. You looked gorgeous. I wish you many more happy years as well.
