
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Alive and catching up

Good morning!
I have been dreaming of a lazy Saturday morning all week. I need some time to catch up - on everything. Taxes, bills, books, physical therapy workouts, and WRITING! I have changed positions at work, I now run frantically here and there anwsering questions, asking questions and being increadibly confused about almost everything for the time being. A challenge is always near to my heart and has been what I needed but it has left me physically exhausted at the end of the day. I feel like we have ate out all week, which I really enjoy doing, but is expensive and leaves me craving a home cooked meal. So today I plan to root through the kitchen, make a healthy and hearty dinner, get some bread dough going and cheerish being at home.

 And dream of the summer, good weather, biking, and adventures!

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