
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Remember the time...

Michelle ~ Hey John! Remember that time....

John ~ That time at band camp.....

Michelle ~ NO!

That time we were in Mexico.......

......walking back to our van late at night and got stopped by the police and I thought I was going to never see you again?

Yeah, Michelle I do, they didn't even take our money.

That little scare induced some wildly vivid dreams.

I can still taste the little mini bananas that we ate on the beach in Sayulita, they were the best.

That was the same beach that we were camping at and someone ran off with your sandals during the night.

We also watched men climb trees to pluck coconuts on that beach.

We even got married on that beach, that was kind of a big deal in our little lives. We bought your wedding ring from a street vendor.

We swam all the time while we were next to the ocean. We even swam off the beaches of San Fransisco just north of Sayulita.... where no one else swam.... because it was scary as hell.

Untitled by LadyStiles
Sometimes I think about getting us a little cement house in San Fransisco to go to in the winters. We could widdle away wet spring months learning to surf and eating tropical fruit.

How about our puppy dog of a friend. Gustabo. Crazy Gus.  He took us to some great climbing spots.
We climbed everyday.

Remember this tieda? Yeah you guys forgot me here. No biggie....

Do you remember the evenings we spent climbing up to Memorial Ledge in Squamish, drinking a beer watching the sun go down then hike through boulder fields in the dark back to the van, skipping dinner because we were too tired?

All those new and unxplored mountain biking trails in Squamish. I am really excited to get back there with you.

And Bellingham... oh Bellingham.....

Remember when we climbed every night after work?

Well you climbed every night.

I just stand around in climbing shoes because they feel so comfortable....

Captain Stiles!

We made the best of those long Pacific Northwest days.

I was so stoked for you when this climb went down. Phew!

Do you know that there wasn't a climb that you would back away from? You are incredible.

How about hiking up to Shannon Falls after a full day of climbing and getting two more pitches in because they are just that good.

We put in some long days together.

I can still feel the tingle course through my body with the vivid memories of jumping in the Skykomish River because it was too hot to climb the granite of Index. It may have been in the triple digits according to the mercury but that river was still glacier cold.

Do you know how proud I was to walk up to Cunning Stunt and be able to cruise up it? How about when you encouraged me to swap leads on G-M/Heart of the Country, and I did it, you know I felt like a rock star? Then Thin Fingers, maybe the best climb around that I have done. Then Breakfast of Champions on my own, I couldn't wait to tell you all about it.

Skinny legs and all, we cover some ground.

This picture makes me smile, then a few dirty jokes start to invade my brain. Made it through that one alive....

.......the best part of the adventure is the unexpected.

But I really don't need to be stranded on a mountain pass in a van with three guys ever again.

Do you know what is even more incredible? There are just so many more adventures that are in our future.

I had a hard time sleeping the other night, all I could think about was the possibilities.


  1. YES! I love this post. I feel the exact same way.

  2. I liked the sunset picture you posted here. Can I get the same with 1440*900 resolution.
