
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Smoked Cheddar Whole Wheat Irish Soda Bread

First we eat then we do everything else.

M.F.K. Fisher

Another seamless recipe from Baking with Julia: Savor the Joys of Baking with America's Best Bakers

This bread can be as simple as stirring four ingredients together and getting the oven warm. Simple leaves time for everything else.

I kept this Irish soda bread simple but incorporated a few more savory accents. I craved the hearty nutty flavor that whole wheat flour imparts so I used 3 cups of whole wheat pastry flour and 1 cup of all purpose white flour. A dollop of sour cream replaced some of the buttermilk without making the bread heavy. Lots of diced smoked cheddar cheese studded the dough.

The finished loaf was incredible that evening. The crusty was crisp and the interior was hearty. A recipe worth keeping in the kitchen. And yes, first we ate then we built a bon fire in the back yard.

This Tuesdays with Dorie group recipe can be found with Cathy of My Culinary Mission  and Carla of Chocolate Moosey.

Or for all you fellow cookbook nerds get yourself Baking with Julia: Savor the Joys of Baking with America's Best Bakers


  1. Smoked cheddar.. u've got me thinking..:).. brilliant.. with the cheese all oozing out!! :)

    1. I had to smile when I pulled this loaf out of the oven and there was molten hot cheese bubbling out.

  2. Hi, Michelle...thank you for visiting! Wasn't this good? I have to admit to being surprised about that! I love the idea of adding cheese (and of using whole wheat flour); I know I'm going to be making this often so it will be fun to experiment. Your blog is lovely, by the way...I'm very truly sorry for your loss but I think you have a big heart and a warm spirit and I hope that's helping to carry you through.

  3. I love anything with cheese! Yummmm!~ Looks pretty too.

  4. YUM. your loaf looks and sounds delicious. I'll have to try it with cheese!

  5. beautiful loaf! Love the addition of cheese. Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning. Your bread looks perfect.

  6. I love the sound of your version. The cheddar in your photo looks luscious.

  7. The cheese looks wonderful! Whenever I've decided to add cheese to bread, I've debated whether to add grated or chunked. Your pictures are a convincing advertisement for chunks!

  8. oooh... interesting... Love the pictures!

  9. Looks so good with the cheese. I'm going to try that next time.

  10. Cheese + Bread = delish!

    ~ Carmen

  11. oh heavens, this looks just delicious!!

  12. Ohhhh, melty cheese. Melty cheese. Yummmmm
