Where have I been... I know... not giving my lovely little blog enough attention. I guess it must be the combination of summer and increased work load. So to those of you who have not lost complete interest, bless your heart, I am going to focus more on this little baby.
This last week it was, I will honestly admit, a much needed break from sitting in front of a computer.
Our "Staycation" was great, and now back at the office, reflecting on it, I had fun. From BBQs, The Deming Log Show, Mt. Seymore, Whistler Bike Park, Solstice Party, and much needed R&R (after the party, but the whole week felt pretty chill).

The other highlight of the vacation (what could be more exciting than a log show you might be wondering...) was Whistler! **Phew** It puts "a grin across my face that you couldn't beat off with a hammer" (an exact quote from a man we met on the chair lift). This is about as close as one can get to biking heaven. Three full days of riding... pure fun! No crashes (well no high speed diggers), a condo to ourselves, good weather, and some weekday riding. I want to go back this weekend, I think my climbing gear is about to gather some dust. **We brought our bouldering pad and shoes, sure we would be dieing to stop in Squamish on the way home and get a good pump, we went to the bike shop and then to the brew pub instead...**
We rounded out the vacation with a bang up Solstice party. Which was a cherry on top of the weekend.