Thursday, January 29, 2009

All that there is

For a long time I've believed that the secret to a happy and healthy life is the ability to celebrate cheap thrills, everyday miracles, little things. If you save yourself for the happiness that comes from big *wow* moments like a big trip to an exotic place, a big race, to climb the next mountain, promotions, most of life is sure to be depressing or at least boring. Finding beauty in the everyday is no small task but a way of life.
My life these days are geared towards finding pleasure in the small things. Sometimes the forty hour week is like looking down the barrel of a gun ( it is really not that bad ). Coping yet not becoming complacent with this is a matter of necessity.
Enjoying each day for what it is can be a blessing, acknowledging what is happening and then letting it go. Then it is just a matter of finding beauty in the small things. For me it is the baby step improvements in yoga, a brisk walk in the cool Northwest air, a tasty lunch, the confidence that comes from running again, trying my hardest at what I am doing, whatever it takes.
In the end this is all that there is.

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